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Jessica's Priorities

  • Account for all students in public education regardless of income, race, background, or personal experience so that demographics do not determine destiny. I have a plan to do this by making the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) a convening body for all 31 school districts in the county to ensure every student graduates with the Cal State/UC A-G requirements met. This will ensure each and every student is set up for success whether they decide to go straight to college at a UC, Cal State or private school, into the trades, or into the workforce.

  • Ensure that teachers, paraeducators, and other school staff always have the resources they need to provide every student with the best education possible. I will be do this by exerting my influence to make sure county office employees get the best wage the SCCOE’s budget can afford considering the financial restraints of the budget, get the professional development they need, and get more resources to that end from county, state, federal and private sources by advocating with higher up elected officials and agencies.  

  • Make public education in the county transparent and accessible so community members understand the education their children receive, as well as the resources available to them. Not many local trustees, let alone average citizens, understand exactly what the SCCOE and SCCBOE does.  I plan to rectify that. I will regularly meet with trustees and constituents from Trustee Area 1 and the broader county to stay informed about local issues. I will also publish a blog that informs the general public about what to expect at each SCCBOE Meeting in plain language, allowing for more District and Board transparency and community engagement (not unlike the one I currently publish for Los Altos School District at 

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